Fedora Gets Stuck after Nvidia Driver and CUDA Installed

less than 1 minute read


After installing Nvidia Driver and CUDA on a Nvidia Optimus laptop (following instructions on if-not-true-then-false), Fedora (34+) often gets stuck after several minutes poweron.

I can not say what is wrong, but the following steps save my life:

When starting, press F10

  • Modify the BIOS: turn off the CPU virtual tech (This is for problem of getting stuck)
  • Modify the BIOS: Nvidia Optimus choose Discrete (This is for problem of not showing login dialogue)

And then setting Nvida GPU as PrimaryGPU: Following the Step #8 of Fedora DOCS

  • Copy the nvidia config file: sudo cp -p /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia-<somethingelse>.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
  • Open the target file: sudo nvim /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/nvidia-<somethingelse>.conf
  • Add the following contentto the OutputClass section: Option "PrimaryGPU" "yes"
  • Then reboot
  • Verify the conf: glxinfo | egrep "OpenGL"